中文翻译与英英解释 | 1.慢步,缓行。 2.单调的进程,常规。
| | | jog: 短语和例子 jog2 n. 1.〔美国〕(线、面上的)参 ... | | trot: vi. (trotted; trotting ) 1.( ... | |
| an easy gait of a horse; midway between a walk and a trot
例句与用法 | 1. | Four sailors came up the hill toward the house at a jog trot . 四个水兵登上山丘,不慌不忙地朝小屋跑去。
| | 2. | Suddenly he slowed his long , effortless jog trot up to the steep 他突然放慢了他那长时间毫不费力的地稳步前进的步伐,迈上了陡峭的路段。